"What a fantastic program! It turned out to be life-changing for our daughter. It’s difficult to believe that a one-week camp could make that much of a difference. She came back from camp a stronger, more focused and confident young lady. It's been really rewarding to see the difference attending the camp has made in her everyday life, and most particularly, her school life. I believe her time at CYL helped solidify a strength within her that was there all along. She now actively seeks out opportunities to make a difference in her community and encourages others to do so as well."
- CYL Participant Parent

Experience the magic... Join us for an unforgettable week of camp!
Co-operative Young Leaders (CYL) is a series of week long summer camps for young people ages 13 to 18. This unique experiential learning program brings together youth from across Ontario to develop their leadership, communication, and teambuilding skills in a fun, safe, and secure environment.
CYL empowers youth to be explorers, trailblazers, visionaries, and adventurers while equipping them with the change-making tools and skills they need to succeed in the world. Bringing youth together with established mentors creates a relationship that embraces and enhances their leadership potential.
Campers develop self-confidence, learn from inspiring guest speakers, and have fun with traditional camp activities set in a non-judgemental atmosphere. Since its inception in 1967, over 6,000 young people have gone through the program, thanks to all the amazing organizations that have supported it over the years!

What will campers do at camp?
Build and strengthen leadership and communication skills
Develop more co-operative insight, values, and mindset
Enhance awareness of and the ability to analyze important and relevant social issues
Meet peers and co-operative mentors from across Ontario
Oh, and have lots of fun!

What kinds of activities are there?
Recreational, such as campfires, movie nights, and dinner banquet
Sports, such as volleyball, dodge ball, soccer, baseball, 9 Square, reverse paintball
An Artwork Project
Participation on a committee, such as social, sports, music, and media moments
Talking Stick
Co-operative Snack Shack

2025 Program dates & registration information
Registration for campers opens January 6, 2025.